Workshops for Friday, Sept. 14

Get involved with your comics! As part of our curator’s visit for Our Comics, Ourselves, Jan Descartes and Monica McKelvey Johnson are presenting additional events prior to their lecture on Friday evening.

Letter Writing Support for LGBTQ Prisoners: Friday 9/14, 1:30pm, Fenwick Special Collections Research Center (2400 Fenwick Library)
Writing a letter to a prisoner is a tangible way we can support those behind the walls on an individual level.  In this workshop, the Our Comics, Ourselves curators will discuss material in the exhibition that relate to incarceration – works from and about prisoners and prison injustice.  We will use that material to introduce prison activism and prisoner support in the form of letter writing.  We will introduce everything about letter writing to prisoners – why it’s important, what it means to someone on the inside, and guidelines. With the help of Black & Pink, an LGTBQ prisoner support and advocacy group, we will write to LGBTQ prisoners as a way to connect with those who have been hidden behind walls, and who are a part of a population that can use correspondence the most.

Minicomics Workshop: Friday 9/14, 3:30pm, Mason School of Art Print Shop (1009 School of Art)
Your story and your world is important and comics are powerful way to share your experiences, combining your words and images to tell your story the way you see it.  When you make a comic and share it with the world it has the power to educate, to incite, to create empathy, and to make a space for understanding. It is an exciting and empowering medium!

In this workshop, we will learn about why comics is a uniquely powerful medium, and how to create a 8 page mini-comic.  We will learn about creating a character, a narrative, drawing and inking our  comics.  This class is for beginners and experienced drawers alike – no experience with comics is necessary, only excitement to tell your story!  The goal is to leave with a mini-comic, drawn on letter sized paper, that will be ready for you to Xerox and distribute.

Please note: This event will be held in the Mason School of Art Printmaking Shop (1st floor, room 1009).

Join us for these events, and stay for our Curator’s Talk and Print Shop Jam on Friday evening!

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