Gödel, Escher, Bach
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
Art and Discontent
by Thomas McEvilley
Drawing from the Modern
by Jordan Kantor
New American Paintings 106
Douglas Hofstadter discusses a concept called the “strange loop,” wherein systems wander and loop back to their origin. He uses a mathematician, a visual artist, and a composer to illustrate the concept. My work tries to process information in a similar fashion, and tries to investigate the concept of the strange loop. Can a thing grow out of itself, change completely, yet return to its origin? These texts and artworks attempt to analyze what a good thing is by testing how it is made, what it is made of, or how it is perceived. Can a bad thing slide into a good thing? Can that good and bad slide together? Will a strange loop occur?
Jay Hendrick (b.1977, Lubbock, TX) makes paintings that measure, measurement. By layering the process of grid making, he creates a situation wherein paradigms must collude and collide. This interaction creates ambiguous categories within the vocabulary of painting. Color and grid accrete to produce icons of grids. The grid breaks down and is no longer a screen nor an icon, but rather an untidy geometry that questions the certainty of measurement.
He received a Bachelor of Applied Studies in 2011 and a Bachelor of Fine Art in 2012 both at Abilene Christian University. He is currently in his third year in the Master of Fine Arts at George Mason University.