Artists’ Maps

Maps are powerful. They can orient us on unfamiliar streets or help us find our way through unmarked territory. In their essence, maps distill an incredible amount of information into a compact, readable, digestible abstraction — a tool for navigating and understanding what’s around us.

This exhibit expands upon the traditional idea of mapping, featuring works by artists at Mason and artists in the Mason Libraries collection. Each of these artists has embraced the map as a dynamic and versatile tool for investigating histories, bodies, geographies, and more. By recording landmarks, making careful observations, and charting terrain of all sorts physical and intangible, each artist’s map reveals a surprising story.

Come to the exhibit and see works by:

Carmon Colangelo
Floating Lab Collective
Melissa Hill
Jacob Lahah
Sarah McDermott
Lise Melhorn-Boe
Cathryn Miller
Sharon A. Sharp

Check out our list of books related to this exhibition. You can find these books on the shelf in the gallery.

Artist’s Maps will be up through February 6th, 2015.


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Artists’ Maps Exhibit Video

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